Feel the difference, with RemWell. How do you get the best quality plant products? You become friendly with the best farmers in the country of course! RemWell’s products are here to make you feel great.

Here at RemWell, we want to deliver the highest quality in health products, derived from plants and other great sources. Our goal is to expand our creativity and innovation to other health products sourced from nature.

We care and would love to hear from you! We talk to our customers and followers daily on social media. Message us on Facebook or Instagram @remwellco if you ever have questions or concerns and we will be more than happy to have a private conversation with you.

Thank you, from the team here at RemWell.

“Plant based remedies to make you feel better”

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Affiliate Program

Hudu offers a robust and easy-to-use affiliate program for those interested in promoting its innovative, safe, effective, and legal CBD products. If you’ve been looking to get in on the ground floor as the CBD industry takes off, Hudu’s affiliate program is a fantastic way to earn money while helping millions improve their quality of life.

From our Premium CBD Oil Tinctures made from organically grown USA hemp, to our CBD skincare products, to pain-relieving CBD topical creams, we have a wide range of products for you to offer to your customer base. Make a commission on every Hudu item you sell!

Simply fill out the form below and review our terms and conditions and you’ll be ready to begin helping others achieve better lives and make money doing it!

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Press Release

Cumming, GA, May 15, 2019: Maurice Greene, an USA Olympic Sprinter, World Champion, and the World Record Holder, this week announced he has filled the position as spokesperson for a company that is very near and dear to his heart: USA CBD Experts, LLC. Creating the finest hemp flower products for the growing worldwide CBD market, USA CBD Experts is working to position themselves as experts, authorities, and creative CBD product designers today.

Derived from the cannabis plant, but without the psychoactive THC component, Cannabidiol (CBD) is becoming increasingly popular as a form of treatment for mental disorders, depression, chronic pain, and even hair, skin, and visual signs of aging. Due to its ever-expansive healing properties, experts estimate the global CBD market will hit a valuation of $22 billion by 2022. USA CBD Experts are positioned at the forefront of this movement.

As someone who has put my body through great physical development and stress for decades, I work to manage pain in my body, muscles, and joints as a I age,” said Greene. “I am personally passionate about CBD because it has provided me with tangible relief, without the typical “psychoactive high-feeling” side effects. It’s an all natural solution that is good for my body, mental state, and physical comfort.”

Research has shown that CBD can be used to treat pain and inflammation, anxiety and mood disorders, insomnia, skin deterioration, and general health concerns, like chronic pain and arthritis.

Using these benefits, USA CBA Experts is taking pure USA hemp plants (also known as a strain of Cannabis sativa) and creating different CBD products that can be safely used and consumed by consumers everywhere. USA CBD Experts will manage a marketplace that contains CBD skin creams, hemp gummies, oral sprays, shampoos and conditioners, and hemp pet products that are safe for animal consumption.

It’s completely in the hands of the consumer as to how they prefer to obtain their CBD benefits. I am a big believer in everything from hemp gummies to CBD moisturizers that can be used to soothe aching and pulled muscles,” said Greene. “I am so excited to be joining this team as they officially open their online CBD marketplace to the world.”

Following the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, zero THC CBD is not illegal in any state in the USA. Therefore, all USA CBD Expert products are completely legal for purchase and consumption in our country at this time – CBD for pain, stability, mental respite, and sleep is now accessible to any American.

For more information, or to view CBD oils, products, creams, and sprays available on this new platform, visit: https://usacbdexperts.com/.

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