Kauai Retreats…Not just another vacation!

“Yoga, meditation, and raw food. Seven days of inspiration, transformation and education for radiant health and Self-realization in Kauai, the magical garden Island of Hawaii

Kauai retreats are especially designed to restore balance in every area of your life. You will be trained in time tested disciplines, so when you get back home you are inspired, rejuvenated and equipped with the right tools to lead a healthy lifestyle and attain Radiant health.



Have you ever felt that you need a vacation from your vacation?

How often you returned home from a vacation exhausted or even sick from too much of everything…

  • Too much of the wrong foods…
  • Too much running around…
  • Staying up too late, etc…

Any of our retreats in the magical island of Kauai will enable you to recharge, renew, and rejuvenate, your body, mind and spirit.

Each one of our retreats regardless of the retreat’s specific theme, will give you the well needed and well deserved vacation you are looking for and propel you onto a higher and healthier experience of life.

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Fethiye is a city and district of Mugila province. According to the 2008 census, the city has 68,000 inhabitants.

The city has great places that you can visit. For example, you can visit the Fethiye museum, Tomb of Amyntas, Kayoky, Afkule, Kadyanda and other historical sites. If you are planning of visiting the city, there are many ways in which you can travel around. The most common ones are:


There are many buses in Fethiye that lead you to different areas and use a colour coding system. For example, a navy blue bus goes to Calis, an orange bus goes to Tasyaka, while a white bus goes to Calica.

You can flag down a bus anywhere along its route; however, you should avoid doing so along busy town centers. When you want to flag down a bus, you should ensure that you make a clear signal when you see it approaching.

The prices vary depending on where you are going. The good side is that the prices are usually published on the bus and all you need to do is take a look at the list and make your payment. You should note that all payments are made to the driver.


Taxis are very convenient ways to move around in Fethiye. The cars are available near main hotels, resorts and supermarkets. You can also flag down a taxi on the street. If you are living in a hotel, you can ask the hotel staff to call a taxi for you.

The good side is that most of the taxi drivers speak English; therefore, they will understand where you want to go. All the taxis are yellow in color and have meters that determine the amount that you need to pay for your journey.

Although, this is the case, you can negotiate the price especially if you are taking a long journey. For example, if you want to travel from Fethiye to Damalan airport.

Car hire

There are many companies in the city that rent their cars. The companies charge you depending on the duration that you want to use the car.

For you to rent the car, you should have a valid international driving license. You should also be 22 years old and have held a valid driver’s license for at least two years.

Once you are given the car, it’s your responsibility to ensure that the car is in good condition and free of accident.

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Next to admiring the art, history and architecture of the Italian capital, there’s one activity people of all ages are usually raring to get stuck in to the minute they get settled in their family hotel in Rome – shop!

Here’s a quick guide to where different kinds of great shopping are to be had in the Eternal City.

Snacks and Other Food

If you have younger children in tow, you’ll probably want to make sure you have snacks stocked in the fridge of your family hotel in Rome – so it helps to get some food shopping done early. Head out to Campo de’ Fiori in the morning to sample some of the great balsamic vinegars and extra virgin olive oil. You’ll also find delicious bread, plus plenty of other street foods that will be a hit with the children. If it’s pizza and beer to go for the older crowd, you’ll find a venue on almost any corner.

If you want a more substantial meal, head to Trionfale Market, just outside the Vatican. Here, you’ll find great deli meats, wonderful fruit and vegetables, cheeses and breads for that midnight snack in your family hotel. In Rome, food markets abound: among the other great places to go are the covered market in Plaza Testaccio, Mercato Piazza Vittorio and, of course, Campo de’ Fiori.


If you want to seek out the latest in fashion, make sure to mark Via Condotti on your smartphone’s map apps. Designer giants like Fendi, Valentino, Bulgari Prada, Armani, Versace, Ferragamo, Cavalli, Gucci, and many others, can be found here, although you’ll also want to explore the high-end boutiques along Via Borgognona, Via Frattina, Via Sistina, and Via Bocca de Leone to see what the true fashionistas are wearing.

Also make sure you mark Via del Corso on your map before heading out from your family hotel. In Rome, this is where the locals go for fashion. This mile-long street (and the streets nearby) are where you’ll find the flagship store of Ferrari and brands like Diesel and Benetton, as well as other trendy Italian brands. Teenagers will be in their element.

Flea Markets

If you’re a bargain hunter, make sure you wear your most comfortable shoes and leave your high heels behind when you get out and visit the city’s flea markets. In the lovely Trastevere neighbourhood, there’s a great outdoor flea market at the south end of the area that’s open on Sundays from 7am to 1 pm. Porta Portese is one of the largest flea markets in Europe, and a Roman icon in itself. Here, you’ll find everything, including antique housewares, secondhand clothing, music, original art, jewellery, posters, furniture, and more. Another flea market of note is the one at Via Sannio, near the Basilica of San Giovanni. If you’re specifically looking for antiques, however, you can head out to the antiques district near the Tiber – start from Castel Sant’ Angelo and head south toward the bridge.

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When it comes to Italy, the question isn’t whether you can find enough things to do, but whether you’ll have enough time to see and do everything on your ‘must-do’ list. (Chances are you won’t!) Because of the wealth of choice available, picking a region and itinerary of attractions can be a somewhat overwhelming endeavour, even for those who have been to the country in the past. Even the simple task of choosing your Italian vacation accommodation can be daunting. However, for people visiting Puglia (or Apulia, as it is otherwise known), the choice is much easier.

Puglia, the Breadbasket of Italy

It would be hard to pinpoint a ‘signature’ image for Puglia. The heel of Italy borders both the Adriatic and Ionian seas, with its coastlands, woodlands, farmlands, vineyards, olive groves, and even swamplands, existing alongside medieval hilltop villages and industrialised towns. At its heart, however, Apulia is a breadbasket, specialising in the production of food, whether as growers, ‘catchers’, or manufacturers. Farms and fishing villages still make up the bulk of its communities, and the way of life remains predominantly slow-paced and agricultural.

It is this protectiveness of the land that is so integral to their simple yet authentic way of life that has captivated the rest of Europe and the world, and has given rise to a new and fast-growing type of tourism: agriturismo. Agriturismo not only allows travellers to experience authentic Apulian life, but also offers unique and historical Italian vacation accommodation options that can only be found here: masserie and trulli. In fact, some of these places are attractions in themselves. In addition to the trulli and masserie are both modern and traditional hotels, villas, and apartments.

Where to Stay

The basic concept of agriturismo is simple. As implied by its name, agriturismo is a farm-stay, a working farm that also serves as an Italian vacation accommodation for travellers. However, if you’re imagining run-down stable-like rooms, you couldn’t be more wrong. Typical agriturismo inns are more like apartment, villa, and hotel annexes that offer beautiful and comfortable living spaces and superb services.

Masserie, for example, such as the exceptional Masseria Cupina, are grand structures that were once the main buildings of agricultural estates but that have been converted into boutique hotels (complete with swimming pools). A tour of the farm is generally included, but you won’t be expected to do any chores-although you certainly could if you wanted to! Trulli – traditional Apulian dry stone huts with conical roofs, such as the charming Trullo Pietra, which is converted into a villa – are another unique Italian vacation accommodation option available only in Puglia.

Visit Lecce

You may choose to stay close to the lovely town of Lecce. With its wealth of Baroque architecture, this is a great place to start an exploration of the province. Lecce has been described by many as the most beautiful city in Italy, with its stone buildings acquiring a cream and gold effect in the sun. Among its more than 40 churches is the Basilica di Santa Croce, which is perhaps the most ornate, with a façade featuring cherubs, magical beasts, and even the odd dodo. This can be quite a surreal sight, especially at night, when the outdoor lighting further dramatises the effect. Piazza Sant’Oronzo is another must-see in Lecce, with the massive Roman amphitheatre providing a stark contradiction to the bombastic style of the rest of the city.

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New York, the city which never sleeps, has always been on my list of “Cities to Visit.” Before the last year ended, I planned to visit New York with my wife. Though I’m good at planning trips I’m really bad at making bookings for the hotel or the airlines so I asked her to get the ticket reservations done.

To my surprise, she booked only one ticket which was for me and the other one she bought that through the miles program “earn united miles,” we travel mostly from united airlines so we had a huge stack of miles which she consumed to buy her own ticket. This way we saved money of one separate ticket which we planned to use for shopping and restaurant hunting in New York.

Here I want to share with you how I planned our trip to New York as I mentioned above that I’m good at planning trips, I did the same for this trip as well. So here is how we did it and you can follow this for having a nice vacation.

When To Visit New York City?

Overall New York is the best city to visit all year round, but I think each season in New York have its own perks and disadvantages for visiting.

I particularly like to travel in the winter season so winters are great for those who want to experience the holiday season in New York and are not much bothered with the cold. Spring on the other hand is also a good season to visit as you don’t have to face the summer heat but you might need to pack the umbrella. Summer is great for those who want to take the advantage of free events in this city, despite the fact that summers are hard to tolerate in New York.

My Choice: So because I love the winter season I chose to travel in early December and spend my Christmas in New York with my wife and believe me it was an amazing experience of my life.

How To Reach New York?

If you live in US and you are in the neighboring cities of New York you can easily travel by car, train, bus or plane, if you are new in the city then I’ll suggest you travel by plane. Travelling by train, bus or car won’t cost you much, but if you are travelling through the air, then you may want to search for the best deals on airfares to reach New York.

My Choice: I chose to visit New York via airplane; it’s easy and comfortable to travel through the airline.

Where To Reside In New York?

In New York you will find all kinds of accommodation from luxury hotels to cheap hotels, bed and breakfast inns to single tourist hostel, New York has accommodation for every kind of traveler. I wanted to lodge at a budget-friendly hotel so these were the options which I had in front of me.

1. Chelsea Savoy Hotel
2. Cosmopolitan Hotel-Tribeca
3. The Gershwin
4. Colonial House Inn

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It’s easy to be seduced by the promise of Caribbean luxury hotels. Many are based in stunning locations and offer the ultimate luxury holiday experience. But even if the origin of the idea is clear, choosing a specific location might end up being rather more of a challenge.

This information may help.

Where is the region?

For a start, different people have rather varying ideas as to where the Caribbean actually is. If that sounds ludicrous in the days of global SATNAV, it’s attributable to the fact that the area can be defined in different ways including: geographic areas; geo-political associations; economic areas; advertising and marketing domains.

Strictly speaking, it’s a sea that sits to the south of Cuba, Haiti and Puerto Rico and includes islands such as Jamaica, St Lucia and Grenada. However, in terms of holidays, it’s sometimes ‘stretched’ as a term to include the Bahamas and on some maps even the Florida Keys. Some people have even shown Bermuda as being a Caribbean holiday destination when it is, in fact, way out into the Atlantic.

Purists might debate these boundaries furiously but for many holiday companies a vast area of ocean is often referred to, albeit incorrectly, and you’ll see Caribbean luxury hotels advertised almost everywhere within it.

Choosing a destination

So, how to go about choosing where you will go? One start point might be on the background culture of the island. Some have a huge legacy of Spanish culture, such as Cuba. Others may owe much more to French tradition, with St. Lucia being a good example. Whatever their background culture, much of the area was once incorporated into the British Empire and, as such, the UK has left its mark.

Of course, many colonial powers also brought African slaves into the region to work the plantations and other enterprises. Consequently, various African cultures have also merged into the regional cultures to create a unique hybrid. Yet as anyone who knows the region will tell you, each island – and sometimes parts of each island – has their own distinct culture. For example, Bermuda simply cannot be compared to St. Lucia – it’s not that one is better than the other, just that they’re very different.

You should research the culture of an island and see whether or not it catches your attention, remembering that culture affects things such as cuisine, nightlife and so on.

Another thing you might want to consider is the weather. True, almost everywhere will be able to rightly claim ‘great weather’, but in reality, if you check the statistics, you’ll see that the average weather can vary considerably from one island to another. In particular, look out for the wind and rain figures. Much of the area has a ‘rainy season’, though in many cases this is notional and represents the occasional 30-minute heavy shower with bags of glorious sunshine before and after. Even so, it’s worth looking into – particularly if you’re into beach life. Some islands have rather more protracted wet and windy seasons than others and that might be an important selection criterion when you’re booking Caribbean luxury hotels.

Wherever your destination, you can be sure of plenty of Caribbean luxury hotels to choose from and that you’ll find this fabulous region every bit as wonderful as its reputation.

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