There is no right way to journal. It’s all about personal preference. The important thing is to document those memorable moments and sites.

I find that if you are comfortable with the method, you will be sure to regularly make entries. Here are only five tips for keep a travel diary full of lasting memories.

1) Type it or Write it

Whether you are old school or a modern techie, a small notebook and pen or a laptop or favorite electronic device, will do. I know, for me, I like to use my phone to jot down important and memorable facts or funny anecdotal stories that happen throughout the day. With all the stimulation while traveling, the small details often fade away and can be lost. Remember to think of the key questions – where, what, when, who and how. Your journal will capture many memories for you to enjoy at a later date.

2) Journal Daily

It’s not necessary to document every single detail, but jotting down the highlights of each day as well as the sights you see is key. I always like to mention places I’ve eaten or a great meal I’ve enjoyed. Interesting encounters with locals is worth noting too. Anything that is quintessential of where you are visiting.

3) Keep it Personal

Some of the best memories are those that recount what you were feeling at the time. If you have a funny or emotional moment during your trip, make sure you make mention of it – it will make you laugh or pull at your heartstrings later on.

It’s also a great way to share your adventure with family members and friends who were not traveling with you. People love to hear about your experiences, not necessarily lots of boring narratives of your daily itinerary.

4) Record Important Facts

Long after your trip is over, many of the historic facts, figures and data about that location will fade from memory. Writing these down throughout your account will help you to feel as if you are back on your journey when you reflect back on your journal in months or years to come. From my experience, trip diaries I kept 20 years ago are like little time capsules, especially, when things have changed at that destination over the course of time.

5) Get Others’ Perspectives

In my travel journals, I always like to get the people I’m traveling with to add their two cents here and there to the documentation. It makes it more fun to read later and rounds out the experience.

Whatever your style, make a travel journal memory – you’ll be happy you did!

Elisa Levine

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When you are on holiday, and going to a book a hotel room, what are those things that you should keep a note of? People generally visit places that they are unfamiliar of. Therefore, it is paramount to pick a renowned or reputable hotel, which is safe for stay over, when you are on holiday. There are many factors that you should consider when you are going to book a hotel or restaurant –

Reputation – Most people book hotel rooms, right after their ticket gets confirmed. They generally do it through their travel agent or from internet. Well, if you are also going to book your hotel room from the internet, it is advisable to do a little research to check the reputation of the hotel. You can easily find other customers’ feedback on their social network links. If you are booking a hotel through an agent, then also it would be prudent to ensure the reputation of the hotel where you are going to stay. After all, safety is your foremost concern; and you would never want to stay at a place that other customers are complaining about.

Purpose of visiting the city or place – You should also consider why you want to visit a specific travel destination. For beach? Or for jungle? Whatever your personal reasons are, you should try to find a hotel, which is located in proximity to the key attraction of the city. Staying in a seaside or beach view hotel has a charm of its own. In addition, it would be quite convenient, as well. Similarly, staying in a mid-forest guest house, if you are touring to the city for jungle, would be a great thrill.

Meal – Apart from sites that you visit, food is the element or essence of the city that impresses you the most. There are many foodies/travellers out there, who scan through the globe just in search of quality food. When booking a hotel, it is recommendable to check the menus of their kitchens. Star ranked hotels have the best cuisines and services; you should ensure that the hotel you are going to book serves your desired cuisine.

Hygiene – Who wants to enjoy his/her holiday in an unhygienic environment? Nobody does. There are many hotels and lodges that offer you unhygienic, dirty rooms. The room fare in such hotels is significantly low, in comparison to that of star category hotels. You should never book a hotel room, just because it is cheap. You want to spend a ‘quality’ time on your holiday. And ‘quality’ never comes at cheap rates.

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As a vegan, you may have experienced some challenges when you’re dining out in your hometown. This can become more pronounced when you’re traveling away from your home base, with strange new foods and restaurants.

Not to worry.

We have a technique that has proven time and again to really knock our socks off, although it does involve you being willing to take a risk and go on a little culinary adventure.

If you’re open doing things a little differently, here is the three-step method that could result in a very memorable meal:

Review the menu. Find some side dishes that are either vegan or easily vegan-ized. For example, a side dish of vegetables sautéed in butter could easily be sautéed in olive oil.
Talk honestly with the waitstaff… tell them you’d like a vegan plate, and point out the 2 or 3 items you’ve identified as possible candidates that look good to you. At this point you’ve introduced what your dining goal is, and have proactively offered some options that look suitable. Make sure you have the translation for “vegan” in the native language if you’re visiting a foreign country.
Now you’re ready to make the request. This is a good way to phrase it: “I’m happy to pay the full dinner (or lunch) price for any plate the chef would like to assemble for me that is vegan. Tell the chef I trust their judgment and look forward to what they create.”

Now take a deep breath. You have relinquished control. The odds are in your favor, and the result is usually one of three options:

Option One: Sorry, nice try. The chef may be too busy for special requests or limited by pre-made dishes or ingredients. This is unlikely as they will usually try to accommodate all patrons, but in this case what will probably happen is you will be notified that they are either unable or unwilling to make substitutions to veganize your meal.
Option Two: About what you’d expect. They will make the substitutions you suggested to your waitstaff and you will get a combination of veganized side dishes that make a totally passable and often really delicious meal.
Option Three: This last option is the one you’re hoping for: an off-menu meal that completely knocks your socks off. This is what we have consistently discovered: at any decent restaurant – and most especially at nicer restaurants – chefs really do take pride in their work. Cooking is a creative act, and putting something together that is outside their usual selection of dishes could both brighten their workday and delight your senses.

What do you think? While you will have to roll the dice, chances are that the chef will do everything they can to accommodate you and — if you’re lucky — relish the chance to create an inspiring and delicious meal just for you!

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There is so much to see and do in London, especially if you’re based in one of the central hostels in London. Once you’ve seen the iconic attractions, why not explore the weirder, wackier side of this grand old city.

1. Ripley’s Believe it or Not – Head over to Piccadilly Circus and prepare to have your mind blown. From quirky exhibits to a breath-taking laser race, this is definitely one fun venue that shouldn’t be missed for the young, or the young at heart.

2. Sample the Beers of the Ages on a Pub Tour – If you’re a serious beer lover and have £20 to spare, you can book a pub tour of London’s East End, courtesy of Alternative London. This is a pretty good deal if you’re staying in one of the hostels in London and want to make the most of your limited time and have some fun to boot.

3. Chill Out in the Swimming Ponds of Hampstead Heath – There’s nothing like an ice-cold dip in the middle of winter to get your blood flowing again! Hampstead Heath’s swimming ponds are open all year round, ready to give you chills and thrills with a dip in the waters.

4. Gourmet Toast in Clapham – Feeling hungry? As in, really hungry? Breads Etcetera offers huge portions and you can eat as much as you can handle of their freshly baked bread. Pair it will one of their delicious omelettes and you’ll be good to go for the whole day.

5. Shop for Umbrellas at James Smith & Sons – London is renowned for its rain and you’ll inevitably need an umbrella if you don’t want to get sopping wet every time you step outside the hostels in London. You can always grab a cheap one, of course, but why not stay dry in style with a brolly from one of London’s most iconic stores, which has been around since 1830?

6. Dine Among the Dead – Always felt that your average restaurant is somewhat lacking in dead animals preserved in life-like postures? Then you may fancy visiting the Les Trois Garcon restaurant. Located in Shoreditch, you can enjoy a delicious feast under the watchful gaze of a host of stuffed (but very real) animals. It’s a taxidermist’s dream, but it’s not for everyone – although it’s certainly different!

7. Get Your Laugh On for Free – Monday nights in the Theatre Royal Stratford East are reserved for a bevy of stand-up comedy acts, and the best part is Comic Mondays are free! This is a great night out and very easily accessible from the central hostels in London.

8. Learn Some Fake History – Speaking of laughs, Bullsh*t London is a two-man comedian act-slash-walking tour of the South Bank. For £10, you can enjoy a two-hour long tour with a skewered, tongue-in-cheek version of London’s grand old history. Perfect for those who lean toward the irreverent.

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New York, the city which never sleeps, has always been on my list of “Cities to Visit.” Before the last year ended, I planned to visit New York with my wife. Though I’m good at planning trips I’m really bad at making bookings for the hotel or the airlines so I asked her to get the ticket reservations done.

To my surprise, she booked only one ticket which was for me and the other one she bought that through the miles program “earn united miles,” we travel mostly from united airlines so we had a huge stack of miles which she consumed to buy her own ticket. This way we saved money of one separate ticket which we planned to use for shopping and restaurant hunting in New York.

Here I want to share with you how I planned our trip to New York as I mentioned above that I’m good at planning trips, I did the same for this trip as well. So here is how we did it and you can follow this for having a nice vacation.

When To Visit New York City?

Overall New York is the best city to visit all year round, but I think each season in New York have its own perks and disadvantages for visiting.

I particularly like to travel in the winter season so winters are great for those who want to experience the holiday season in New York and are not much bothered with the cold. Spring on the other hand is also a good season to visit as you don’t have to face the summer heat but you might need to pack the umbrella. Summer is great for those who want to take the advantage of free events in this city, despite the fact that summers are hard to tolerate in New York.

My Choice: So because I love the winter season I chose to travel in early December and spend my Christmas in New York with my wife and believe me it was an amazing experience of my life.

How To Reach New York?

If you live in US and you are in the neighboring cities of New York you can easily travel by car, train, bus or plane, if you are new in the city then I’ll suggest you travel by plane. Travelling by train, bus or car won’t cost you much, but if you are travelling through the air, then you may want to search for the best deals on airfares to reach New York.

My Choice: I chose to visit New York via airplane; it’s easy and comfortable to travel through the airline.

Where To Reside In New York?

In New York you will find all kinds of accommodation from luxury hotels to cheap hotels, bed and breakfast inns to single tourist hostel, New York has accommodation for every kind of traveler. I wanted to lodge at a budget-friendly hotel so these were the options which I had in front of me.

1. Chelsea Savoy Hotel
2. Cosmopolitan Hotel-Tribeca
3. The Gershwin
4. Colonial House Inn

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It’s easy to be seduced by the promise of Caribbean luxury hotels. Many are based in stunning locations and offer the ultimate luxury holiday experience. But even if the origin of the idea is clear, choosing a specific location might end up being rather more of a challenge.

This information may help.

Where is the region?

For a start, different people have rather varying ideas as to where the Caribbean actually is. If that sounds ludicrous in the days of global SATNAV, it’s attributable to the fact that the area can be defined in different ways including: geographic areas; geo-political associations; economic areas; advertising and marketing domains.

Strictly speaking, it’s a sea that sits to the south of Cuba, Haiti and Puerto Rico and includes islands such as Jamaica, St Lucia and Grenada. However, in terms of holidays, it’s sometimes ‘stretched’ as a term to include the Bahamas and on some maps even the Florida Keys. Some people have even shown Bermuda as being a Caribbean holiday destination when it is, in fact, way out into the Atlantic.

Purists might debate these boundaries furiously but for many holiday companies a vast area of ocean is often referred to, albeit incorrectly, and you’ll see Caribbean luxury hotels advertised almost everywhere within it.

Choosing a destination

So, how to go about choosing where you will go? One start point might be on the background culture of the island. Some have a huge legacy of Spanish culture, such as Cuba. Others may owe much more to French tradition, with St. Lucia being a good example. Whatever their background culture, much of the area was once incorporated into the British Empire and, as such, the UK has left its mark.

Of course, many colonial powers also brought African slaves into the region to work the plantations and other enterprises. Consequently, various African cultures have also merged into the regional cultures to create a unique hybrid. Yet as anyone who knows the region will tell you, each island – and sometimes parts of each island – has their own distinct culture. For example, Bermuda simply cannot be compared to St. Lucia – it’s not that one is better than the other, just that they’re very different.

You should research the culture of an island and see whether or not it catches your attention, remembering that culture affects things such as cuisine, nightlife and so on.

Another thing you might want to consider is the weather. True, almost everywhere will be able to rightly claim ‘great weather’, but in reality, if you check the statistics, you’ll see that the average weather can vary considerably from one island to another. In particular, look out for the wind and rain figures. Much of the area has a ‘rainy season’, though in many cases this is notional and represents the occasional 30-minute heavy shower with bags of glorious sunshine before and after. Even so, it’s worth looking into – particularly if you’re into beach life. Some islands have rather more protracted wet and windy seasons than others and that might be an important selection criterion when you’re booking Caribbean luxury hotels.

Wherever your destination, you can be sure of plenty of Caribbean luxury hotels to choose from and that you’ll find this fabulous region every bit as wonderful as its reputation.

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