Kauai Retreats…Not just another vacation!

“Yoga, meditation, and raw food. Seven days of inspiration, transformation and education for radiant health and Self-realization in Kauai, the magical garden Island of Hawaii

Kauai retreats are especially designed to restore balance in every area of your life. You will be trained in time tested disciplines, so when you get back home you are inspired, rejuvenated and equipped with the right tools to lead a healthy lifestyle and attain Radiant health.



Have you ever felt that you need a vacation from your vacation?

How often you returned home from a vacation exhausted or even sick from too much of everything…

  • Too much of the wrong foods…
  • Too much running around…
  • Staying up too late, etc…

Any of our retreats in the magical island of Kauai will enable you to recharge, renew, and rejuvenate, your body, mind and spirit.

Each one of our retreats regardless of the retreat’s specific theme, will give you the well needed and well deserved vacation you are looking for and propel you onto a higher and healthier experience of life.

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