Stepping ashore from Lake Trasimeno onto the little Umbrian island of Isola Maggiore, it’s not hard to see why St Francis of Assisi once chose to live there as a hermit. A statue by the shaded lakeside commemorates his stay on the island throughout Lent in 1211, when he is said to have slept on a rock.

Today, with no traffic at all and only one small village – where the buildings along its main Via Guglielmi date from the fourteenth century – Isola Maggiore is truly unspoiled. Only the presence of a small albergo, the occasional restaurant, a gelateria, and the tiny sprinkling of kiosks around the little jetty, show any real sign that the centuries have moved on.

Paths criss-cross the island, leading up through ancient olive groves to the top of the hill, where the twelfth century Chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo sits overlooking the turquoise waters of the lake. Inside this church, the ancient frescoes – some of which are attributed to the school of Giotto – are still in wonderful condition and a guide is always on hand to explain about them.

There are two further churches on the island (plus a couple more, which sadly only remain as ruins). The comparatively ornate Chiesa del Buon Gesu on Via Guglielmi can be found open most days, although the church of San Salvatore, reached via the earthen steps climbing up by the albergo Da Sauro, is generally closed.

The fishing village, as it then was, enjoyed its peak during the fourteenth century, after a Franciscan monastery was built there in 1328. Centuries later, after its closure, the Guglielmi family acquired the monastery, building a castle in the grounds in the 1880s, where they lavishly entertained guests from the mainland.

Over the centuries, Lake Trasimeno grew more and more shallow, making life for the island’s fishermen increasingly hard. As the fishing declined, so too did large numbers of the population, and with them went the Guglielmis. The family did, however, leave the strange legacy of Irish lace.

The Marchesa Elena Guglielmi introduced the Irish lace technique in the early 1900s, setting up a Lace School on the island. Today, although fewer than 20 islanders now live on Isola Maggiore, you can still see one or two ladies making lace in front of their homes, and the Lace Museum displays many exquisite examples from the island’s past.

As for the castle, in 1944 it was used for several months as an internment camp for political prisoners, then later fell into disrepair. Today, although inaccessible to the public, it is very slowly being restored.

Across from the Lace Museum stands the Casa del Capitano del Popolo (‘The Captain’s House’), which tells the history of this enchanting island.

The fishing may have declined, but it is still possible to enjoy carp, tench and pike fresh from the lake, served in any of the island’s little restaurants. Dine on a tranquil terrace as the sun sets and the water gently laps… what more could you ask?

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As the fourth largest city in Austria, Salzburg has plenty to offer, whether you’re here for a long visit or just a weekend. From its renowned architecture to world-record largest and oldest buildings, the city goes all out to impress and enthral its visitors.

Aside from everything else, the city is also an art lover’s haven, with classical and modern art very present in the city and accessible through numerous galleries, museums and events. Granted, simply being in the city is an almost poetic experience in itself, but it gets even better when you seek out the best places to get an artistic dose of inspiration and beauty. Fortunately, there are many of these places within easy reach once you’ve settled in from your Salzburg airport transportation.

Folklore Museum

Located on top of a beautiful hill overlooking Hellbrunn Park, the Folklore Museum is a wonderful way not only to discover and appreciate art, but also learn more about the city’s culture. This quaint museum is jam-packed with interesting items, including impressive religious paintings, local furniture, and even traditional costumes. The manor where the museum is located also offers a wonderful view of the Hohensalzburg Fortress (the largest fortress in central Europe) and the Hellbrunn Palace. Even if you did not initially plan to visit the Folklore Museum, it’s not hard to divert your Salzburg airport transportation for a quick visit.

The Art Projects by the Salzburg Foundation

Any of the convenient Salzburg airport transportation may also take you past the city Art Projects. This is an innovative initiative that started in 2002, headed by the Salzburg Foundation. Since its conception, art installations, magnificent sculptures, and various other projects have featured locally and internationally renowned artists, attracting large numbers of tourists and sparking an interest in contemporary, urban art. You can book a guided tour for a range of scheduled art projects every year for a truly one-of-a-kind experience.

Panorama Museum

Even if you don’t have much time to explore the city, you shouldn’t pass up the Panorama Museum, which you may well pass by on your Salzburg airport transportation to the city. The museum’s most distinct feature is a massive painting of an historic depiction of the city, with a circumference of 26 metres – immediately wowing visitors upon entrance. A digital installation aims to showcase both ancient and modern aspects of the city to tourists and allow everyone to take a closer look at its beauty. You can interact with the monitors to explore more of the city’s details and sights. Apart from the main attraction, the Panorama Museum also has some large paintings by 19th century landscape painter Hubert Sattler.

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New York, the city which never sleeps, has always been on my list of “Cities to Visit.” Before the last year ended, I planned to visit New York with my wife. Though I’m good at planning trips I’m really bad at making bookings for the hotel or the airlines so I asked her to get the ticket reservations done.

To my surprise, she booked only one ticket which was for me and the other one she bought that through the miles program “earn united miles,” we travel mostly from united airlines so we had a huge stack of miles which she consumed to buy her own ticket. This way we saved money of one separate ticket which we planned to use for shopping and restaurant hunting in New York.

Here I want to share with you how I planned our trip to New York as I mentioned above that I’m good at planning trips, I did the same for this trip as well. So here is how we did it and you can follow this for having a nice vacation.

When To Visit New York City?

Overall New York is the best city to visit all year round, but I think each season in New York have its own perks and disadvantages for visiting.

I particularly like to travel in the winter season so winters are great for those who want to experience the holiday season in New York and are not much bothered with the cold. Spring on the other hand is also a good season to visit as you don’t have to face the summer heat but you might need to pack the umbrella. Summer is great for those who want to take the advantage of free events in this city, despite the fact that summers are hard to tolerate in New York.

My Choice: So because I love the winter season I chose to travel in early December and spend my Christmas in New York with my wife and believe me it was an amazing experience of my life.

How To Reach New York?

If you live in US and you are in the neighboring cities of New York you can easily travel by car, train, bus or plane, if you are new in the city then I’ll suggest you travel by plane. Travelling by train, bus or car won’t cost you much, but if you are travelling through the air, then you may want to search for the best deals on airfares to reach New York.

My Choice: I chose to visit New York via airplane; it’s easy and comfortable to travel through the airline.

Where To Reside In New York?

In New York you will find all kinds of accommodation from luxury hotels to cheap hotels, bed and breakfast inns to single tourist hostel, New York has accommodation for every kind of traveler. I wanted to lodge at a budget-friendly hotel so these were the options which I had in front of me.

1. Chelsea Savoy Hotel
2. Cosmopolitan Hotel-Tribeca
3. The Gershwin
4. Colonial House Inn

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United States is the most watched and most desirable country in the world. Everyone dreams of an excellent holiday time in the United States. To mark the best holiday spots in the United States, you will find many articles on the internet, but none of them will lead to your most desired destination. So, to give you a solution to this problem, I have prepared an article that will not only provide you with the best holiday spots, but also will give you a clear insight of those places as well. Here is the must go list of the best holiday spots.

New York City, New York

Though New York City is the costliest city of all, but it also represents the most iconic status among many other states of U.S. The reason behind this recognition is that New York City is full of energy and vibe with culture, restaurants, shopping, sports, history are to be found in abundance. This can be the sole reason for you to go for a holiday there. In addition, it boasts some of the most well-known establishment in the form of Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Statue of Liberty, and Empire State Building. So, you will not be short of options for sightseeing of the city.

Chicago, Illinois

For food and history lovers there is no other best place than Chicago, Illinois because this city has many historical monuments and boasts some of the best restaurants as well. So, you can definitely plan your Holiday here and when you will come to this city you must take an architectural-history tour. Besides, you can dine at the Alinea (the most famous molecular-gastronomy restaurant in the U.S.). Additionally, don’t forget to visit the biggest science museum in the Western Hemisphere and the museum of Science and Industry.

San Francisco, California

Although San Francisco, California has many fogs in its weather, it is still among the best holiday spots in the United States. In the daytime, you can enjoy while discovering the Fisherman’s Wharf and the Aquarium of the Bay. This is not the end as you will be able to ride a cable car along with the opportunity of strolling around the Presidio. In the night, you shall be intrigued if you have a smack at the Michelin-starred restaurant or a small place in Chinatown. You can hover around the best clubs on the west coast region as well. So this city is certain for a memorable holiday.

Las Vegas, Nevada

Las Vegas, Nevada Yes! We are talking about the most glamorous states of U.S. where millions of tourists come and have a crack at what’s on offer. There are so many exciting hotels with world-class amenities. Furthermore, this city has many casinos and restaurants that will pop up in the mind of Holiday seekers. In addition, the nightlife in this great city is always jaw dropping with many lights and buzz of the casinos. So it is very normal that this city will be top choice for many travelers and tourists for a holiday.

New Orleans, Louisiana

The unofficial mottos of New Orleans, Louisiana are ‘laisser les bon temps rouler’, or ‘let the good times roll’ and they represent the Southern hospitality of this city. If I talk about it more, I would suggest you to take a tour to the graceful Garden district or you can roam in a jazz club as well. What’s more, the dining option at the Commanders Palace will be a pleasant choice and the crowds of the Bourbon Street will count as bonus to provide you a best holiday experience.

After reading out the article, I can say that you know where to go for a holiday in the United States. Therefore, don’t waste any time, just pack your belongings and travel to the favorite spots in the U.S. for a memorable and value added holiday.

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When most people visit London, after catching a Gatwick shuttle service into the city, their itinerary will include all the main sites – like the Tower of London, the main museums, Buckingham Palace, and others. But what many risk missing are the lesser-known cultural venues (some of which can be glimpsed as you whizz by on the Gatwick shuttle service). For a city that has so much to offer, London also keep’s a fair bit hidden away – but it’s there for those who are in the know and will to explore. Why not make time to see out the world’s oldest music hall and visit the unusual Wellcome Collection?

Wilton’s Music Hall

Started as an alehouse around 1743, Wilton’s is thought to have served as the local venue for the Scandinavian sea captains who lived nearby. Around 1826, the owner installed the area’s first Mahogany Bar, which caught on as a name for the pub. Then, just over ten years later, a concert hall was added, and for a while the place was licensed as a saloon that permitted full-length plays on its stage. While you probably won’t see this place on your Gatwick shuttle service into the city, you can easily make your way to Grace’s Alley, E1, where it is tucked away.

Around 1850, John Wilton bought the place and upgraded the concert hall with all the bells and whistles. Over the next fifty years the area went downhill and was bought by a Methodist Mission and renamed. After World War II, the Methodists left and the building was scheduled to be destroyed. Thankfully, it was saved in the 1960s, and has been reopened since 1996 and has been presenting new works since 2004.

The Wellcome Collection

On your Gatwick shuttle service to the centre of the city, you may well pass by the Wellcome Collection, near Euston. Popularly known as the “free destination for the incurably curious,” the Wellcome Collection promises to delight. Founded relatively recently in 2007, the curious mix or artefacts, arts, medicine and science will give you hours of entertainment exploring.

Founded by Sir Henry Salome Wellcome, the current exhibition of Medicine Now is a multi-media show that explores aspects of modern medicine and the way the Wellcome Trust fits in. You can view works on the body, obesity, the genome and more. You can also stop by the current exhibition, ‘The Institute of Sexology’, which is a look at the most publicly discussed private acts, and runs until September 2015. While you are here, pop into the fantastic cafe and check out the artworks on the walls of the entrance too. If you’re interested in more in depth studies, you can visit the impressive Wellcome Library, which has a focus on growing the resources of medical history. If you are interested, you can join for free and explore the history of medicine.

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Wildlife Holidays in Costa Rica – Piedras Blancas National Park

Some of the harder to reach locations in the southern region of Costa Rica are the most rewarding to visit in terms of wildlife. Focusing on the Corcovado National Park on a wildlife holiday in Costa Rica offers travellers numerous species of birds to sight as well as many mammals, some of which are endangered. However, for the adventurous traveller who enjoys more elusive sighting opportunities, the Piedras Blancas National Park offers a challenging terrain that is home to a dizzying array of flora, fauna and birdlife.

A Protected Preserve

The Piedras Blancas National Park was originally incorporated into the Corcovado National Park, acting as a sort of gateway for the larger preserve considered by many as the country’s crowning jewel. However, in 1993 the Piedras Blancas was formed independently to protect the last remaining lowland tropical rainforest in the area, which is also the only remaining habitat of the endangered Jaguar. A wildlife holiday in Costa Rica is always rich with exotic sighting opportunities, but many species that inhabit the Piedras Blancas National Park are still being studied and remain an exciting mystery to researchers and visitors alike.

Lush and Tropical

The Piedras Blancas National Park spans over 14000 hectares and forms a protective barrier, with its neighbour the Corcovado National Park, to safeguard the biological corridor of the Golfo Dulce region. The geographical position of the forest means that the weather conditions, including over 200 inches of rain per year, keep the forest lush and tropical all year round. Consequently, the Piedras Blancas is home to a biologically diverse variety of animal and bird life. One could easily focus a trip’s entire attention on the Piedras Blancas National Park and come away highly rewarded.

Impressive Level of Biodiversity

Studies of the preserve have revealed an impressive level of biodiversity within the forest, similar to that found in Corcovado. Scarlet Macaws and toucans have benefited from rescue and preservation efforts, as have all four of the South American big cat species – all of which have been recorded in the area. Other wildlife frequently seen includes an amazing array of reptiles, including over 37 amphibian and 42 reptile species – such as the poisonous Coral Snake, the Pit Viper, the Boa Constrictor and numerous colourful frogs and lizards. Over 330 species of birds have also been sighted in the park, making Piedras Blancas renowned one of the best areas for bird watching and wildlife holidays in Costa Rica.

For amazing wildlife holidays in Costa Rica the Piedras Blancas National Park covers all interests. From the Bottlenose Dolphins seen along its coastline, to the magnificent birds that fly over the towering canopy, as well as the exotic array of reptiles and mammals that inhabit the dense, lush forest, even the most seasoned traveller will be thrilled with all this spectacular park has to offer.


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