Fethiye is a city and district of Mugila province. According to the 2008 census, the city has 68,000 inhabitants.

The city has great places that you can visit. For example, you can visit the Fethiye museum, Tomb of Amyntas, Kayoky, Afkule, Kadyanda and other historical sites. If you are planning of visiting the city, there are many ways in which you can travel around. The most common ones are:


There are many buses in Fethiye that lead you to different areas and use a colour coding system. For example, a navy blue bus goes to Calis, an orange bus goes to Tasyaka, while a white bus goes to Calica.

You can flag down a bus anywhere along its route; however, you should avoid doing so along busy town centers. When you want to flag down a bus, you should ensure that you make a clear signal when you see it approaching.

The prices vary depending on where you are going. The good side is that the prices are usually published on the bus and all you need to do is take a look at the list and make your payment. You should note that all payments are made to the driver.


Taxis are very convenient ways to move around in Fethiye. The cars are available near main hotels, resorts and supermarkets. You can also flag down a taxi on the street. If you are living in a hotel, you can ask the hotel staff to call a taxi for you.

The good side is that most of the taxi drivers speak English; therefore, they will understand where you want to go. All the taxis are yellow in color and have meters that determine the amount that you need to pay for your journey.

Although, this is the case, you can negotiate the price especially if you are taking a long journey. For example, if you want to travel from Fethiye to Damalan airport.

Car hire

There are many companies in the city that rent their cars. The companies charge you depending on the duration that you want to use the car.

For you to rent the car, you should have a valid international driving license. You should also be 22 years old and have held a valid driver’s license for at least two years.

Once you are given the car, it’s your responsibility to ensure that the car is in good condition and free of accident.

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In the larger scope of Northern European countries, Iceland can often be somewhat overlooked. Tucked away ‘in the corner’ and lacking the glamorous profile of neighbours such as Sweden and Finland, the island with the deceptive name – it is mostly green – therefore attracts a smaller amount of tourists than the rest of Northern Europe and Scandinavia.

That is not to say, however, that the country lacks charm, or is devoid of attractions in its own right. Much to the contrary! As anyone who has travelled across the further regions of Northern Europe will attest to, one of the world’s most impressive natural phenomenon can be witnessed in this country: the world-renowned Northern Lights. Iceland is one of the few countries far enough north to allow tourists the privilege of experiencing this dazzling natural light show, and it is definitely one of the strongest arguments in favour of visiting this spectacular location – although, in fact, there are plenty more.

Nature’s Light Show

Speak to any keen traveller and chances are they will have heard of, but never actually seen, the Northern Lights. Iceland is, as mentioned above, one of the few countries from which this phenomenon can be experienced – alongside Canada, Finland, and certain other parts of Scandinavia – so unless a traveller has forayed into these specific locations, the Lights often remain a dream rather than a reality.

Taking place primarily in autumn/winter, this is a phenomenon not to be missed by tourists planning to visit the Arctic regions at that time of year. Those that are lucky enough to witness nature’s light show first hand are unlikely to ever forget it – seeing the lights is one of those once-in-a-lifetime experiences that strongly affects the viewer.

Many people may not actually be aware of what exactly causes this fascinating phenomenon, and while it seems otherworldly, there is actually an easy to understand explanation. Also called the Aurora Borealis, the Arctic Circle’s main attraction is caused by a meeting of electrically charged particles emanating from the sun. The Earth’s poles, with their magnetic pull, attract these particles towards the ground, and as they come into contact with the different types of gases in the Earth’s atmosphere, they gradually change colour to create the Northern Lights. Iceland is one of the best places to view the lights and tourists and science aficionados visit each year to witness it in person.

Nor is undertaking this endeavour as hard or costly as it once was. While not so long ago it would take considerable expenses and careful planning to be able to see the Northern Lights, Iceland and the rest of Scandinavia are now closer than ever, thanks to excellent specialised tours companies, which are dedicated to ensuring the best possible experience. There’s now no excuse for anyone to miss out on seeing this unforgettable phenomenon first hand.


Abigail Collins

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Planning last minute holidays to Sardinia? While holiday planning may be daunting, with a few tips, patience, and an open mind, anyone can plan a successful getaway to this picturesque Mediterranean island. The important thing to remember when preparing is to do your research.

Getting There and Getting Around

Being the second biggest island in the Mediterranean Sea, there is a lot to explore in Sardinia, including the beaches, the ancient churches, the local cafes, and the magnificent ruins. But all of these beautiful sites may be out of reach if you don’t plan properly with regards to getting around. Holidays to Sardinia can take many forms, and how much you see and do will depend on your expectations and ability to be flexible.

Sardinia has three main airports, in Cagliari, Alghero, and Olbia – all have direct flights to major cities all around the world. Moreover, there are many access points to island by ferry from different cities in Italy, including Genoa, Livorno, Naples, and Palermo. From this information alone you could plan an entire itinerary and make adjustments in your budget by saving money – whether travelling by ferry from another Italian city or getting a direct flight. Once you’ve arrived on the island, you should also familiarise yourself with the best ways to get around. Unlike other smaller islands in Italy, which you can easily tour on foot, Sardinia is best explored with a rental car or motorcycle. You can, of course, also travel by bus.

Don’t Skip the Beach

Some people may find it a bit exhausting to plan an itinerary that will take them from one big town to another every day. It might sound good on paper, and you’ll be able to explore plenty of the island’s fascinating history, but it could also sometimes take the fun and relaxation element out of your holidays to Sardinia. The solution is to factor in a few days just lazing on the beach. The island is renowned as having some of the world’s best beaches, and there are so many, you’ll be able to steer clear of the crowds if you’re savvy. Pristine San Giovanni di Sinis is a divine beach near the town of Oristano; it’s only half an hour away from the city, but is considerably less touristy than more popular destinations. La Pelosa Beach, another less crowded spot near a fishing village in Stintino, is breathtakingly beautiful with its fine, white sand, and blue-green waters. There are plenty more and sometimes it’s nice to just drive and stop where somewhere takes your fancy.


Last minute holidays to Sardinia, especially during peak season, typically mean that it’s more challenging to book affordable accommodation. However, there are several other options apart from the higher profile hotels. In Santa Teresa Gallura, for example, not only does the commune offer a superb beachfront and excellent scuba diving spots, but it also has a wide arrange of accommodation options. For families or groups with at least four people, renting villas can be your best bet – and will certainly give you the best value for your money. However, if you’re already having a hard time finding a villa, camping is a wonderful cheaper alternative. The camping area provides easy access to and from the beach and other nearby towns. Ultimately, whether you choose to stay at a luxurious hotel or villa or camp by the beach, this stunning island will not fail to delight in every way.

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When you are on holiday, and going to a book a hotel room, what are those things that you should keep a note of? People generally visit places that they are unfamiliar of. Therefore, it is paramount to pick a renowned or reputable hotel, which is safe for stay over, when you are on holiday. There are many factors that you should consider when you are going to book a hotel or restaurant –

Reputation – Most people book hotel rooms, right after their ticket gets confirmed. They generally do it through their travel agent or from internet. Well, if you are also going to book your hotel room from the internet, it is advisable to do a little research to check the reputation of the hotel. You can easily find other customers’ feedback on their social network links. If you are booking a hotel through an agent, then also it would be prudent to ensure the reputation of the hotel where you are going to stay. After all, safety is your foremost concern; and you would never want to stay at a place that other customers are complaining about.

Purpose of visiting the city or place – You should also consider why you want to visit a specific travel destination. For beach? Or for jungle? Whatever your personal reasons are, you should try to find a hotel, which is located in proximity to the key attraction of the city. Staying in a seaside or beach view hotel has a charm of its own. In addition, it would be quite convenient, as well. Similarly, staying in a mid-forest guest house, if you are touring to the city for jungle, would be a great thrill.

Meal – Apart from sites that you visit, food is the element or essence of the city that impresses you the most. There are many foodies/travellers out there, who scan through the globe just in search of quality food. When booking a hotel, it is recommendable to check the menus of their kitchens. Star ranked hotels have the best cuisines and services; you should ensure that the hotel you are going to book serves your desired cuisine.

Hygiene – Who wants to enjoy his/her holiday in an unhygienic environment? Nobody does. There are many hotels and lodges that offer you unhygienic, dirty rooms. The room fare in such hotels is significantly low, in comparison to that of star category hotels. You should never book a hotel room, just because it is cheap. You want to spend a ‘quality’ time on your holiday. And ‘quality’ never comes at cheap rates.

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Stepping ashore from Lake Trasimeno onto the little Umbrian island of Isola Maggiore, it’s not hard to see why St Francis of Assisi once chose to live there as a hermit. A statue by the shaded lakeside commemorates his stay on the island throughout Lent in 1211, when he is said to have slept on a rock.

Today, with no traffic at all and only one small village – where the buildings along its main Via Guglielmi date from the fourteenth century – Isola Maggiore is truly unspoiled. Only the presence of a small albergo, the occasional restaurant, a gelateria, and the tiny sprinkling of kiosks around the little jetty, show any real sign that the centuries have moved on.

Paths criss-cross the island, leading up through ancient olive groves to the top of the hill, where the twelfth century Chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo sits overlooking the turquoise waters of the lake. Inside this church, the ancient frescoes – some of which are attributed to the school of Giotto – are still in wonderful condition and a guide is always on hand to explain about them.

There are two further churches on the island (plus a couple more, which sadly only remain as ruins). The comparatively ornate Chiesa del Buon Gesu on Via Guglielmi can be found open most days, although the church of San Salvatore, reached via the earthen steps climbing up by the albergo Da Sauro, is generally closed.

The fishing village, as it then was, enjoyed its peak during the fourteenth century, after a Franciscan monastery was built there in 1328. Centuries later, after its closure, the Guglielmi family acquired the monastery, building a castle in the grounds in the 1880s, where they lavishly entertained guests from the mainland.

Over the centuries, Lake Trasimeno grew more and more shallow, making life for the island’s fishermen increasingly hard. As the fishing declined, so too did large numbers of the population, and with them went the Guglielmis. The family did, however, leave the strange legacy of Irish lace.

The Marchesa Elena Guglielmi introduced the Irish lace technique in the early 1900s, setting up a Lace School on the island. Today, although fewer than 20 islanders now live on Isola Maggiore, you can still see one or two ladies making lace in front of their homes, and the Lace Museum displays many exquisite examples from the island’s past.

As for the castle, in 1944 it was used for several months as an internment camp for political prisoners, then later fell into disrepair. Today, although inaccessible to the public, it is very slowly being restored.

Across from the Lace Museum stands the Casa del Capitano del Popolo (‘The Captain’s House’), which tells the history of this enchanting island.

The fishing may have declined, but it is still possible to enjoy carp, tench and pike fresh from the lake, served in any of the island’s little restaurants. Dine on a tranquil terrace as the sun sets and the water gently laps… what more could you ask?

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New York, the city which never sleeps, has always been on my list of “Cities to Visit.” Before the last year ended, I planned to visit New York with my wife. Though I’m good at planning trips I’m really bad at making bookings for the hotel or the airlines so I asked her to get the ticket reservations done.

To my surprise, she booked only one ticket which was for me and the other one she bought that through the miles program “earn united miles,” we travel mostly from united airlines so we had a huge stack of miles which she consumed to buy her own ticket. This way we saved money of one separate ticket which we planned to use for shopping and restaurant hunting in New York.

Here I want to share with you how I planned our trip to New York as I mentioned above that I’m good at planning trips, I did the same for this trip as well. So here is how we did it and you can follow this for having a nice vacation.

When To Visit New York City?

Overall New York is the best city to visit all year round, but I think each season in New York have its own perks and disadvantages for visiting.

I particularly like to travel in the winter season so winters are great for those who want to experience the holiday season in New York and are not much bothered with the cold. Spring on the other hand is also a good season to visit as you don’t have to face the summer heat but you might need to pack the umbrella. Summer is great for those who want to take the advantage of free events in this city, despite the fact that summers are hard to tolerate in New York.

My Choice: So because I love the winter season I chose to travel in early December and spend my Christmas in New York with my wife and believe me it was an amazing experience of my life.

How To Reach New York?

If you live in US and you are in the neighboring cities of New York you can easily travel by car, train, bus or plane, if you are new in the city then I’ll suggest you travel by plane. Travelling by train, bus or car won’t cost you much, but if you are travelling through the air, then you may want to search for the best deals on airfares to reach New York.

My Choice: I chose to visit New York via airplane; it’s easy and comfortable to travel through the airline.

Where To Reside In New York?

In New York you will find all kinds of accommodation from luxury hotels to cheap hotels, bed and breakfast inns to single tourist hostel, New York has accommodation for every kind of traveler. I wanted to lodge at a budget-friendly hotel so these were the options which I had in front of me.

1. Chelsea Savoy Hotel
2. Cosmopolitan Hotel-Tribeca
3. The Gershwin
4. Colonial House Inn

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